Yup. Could never figure out the zipper at the back of a women's dress either. For that matter, I couldn't figure out the one on the side of a dress that was closed under the armhole. It defeated the entire purpose of having a zip!
As for pockets, they come in all trousers for women. Some blouses have them, but they're decorative. Dresses don't normally have them. As I carry a book, my kitchen sink, a lipstick, a brush or comb, my phone, cards, money, a water bottle, and maybe a snack in my bag, sorry, pockets won't do.
And if I do only carry keys and cards, pockets won't do either. They're extremely difficult to get things out of, and I don't like things against my skin.
Generally, nobody in the EU (and definitely not in Ireland) emails you receipts. The few times in South Africa that I was asked if I wanted my receipt emailed, I found myself on their mailing list, receiving a lot of unrequested spam mail (marketing).
The women who tell you that they can open their own door obviously think that a man opening a door for them translates into them being thought incapable. I must wonder how incapable they are if that's what they think incapability means.