I would caution, though, against this idea that people need to learn critical thinking. To my mind, thinking is an involuntary activity. Those of us who are gifted don't go around 'critical thinking.' As we look at things, the differences become apparent. It is entirely involuntary.
The idea that every human being is going to go around asking the same sort of questions of every tidbit of information that comes their way as they were taught in comprehension classes at school is undoable.
Every single one of us is faced with many thousands of bits of information each day. We do not have the time or the energy to apply questions and to check information for everything that comes our way.
As far as I can see, the only reliable solution is a solid base of foundational knowledge during our school years. That would stand us in good stead for the rest of our lives.
It has most certainly stood me in good stead. if someone tells me that 13 x 4 is 50, I don't have to take out a calculatator to check. I know the answer without thinking, because I learnt it by rote a life time ago. That is the purpose of rote learning.