You're completely wrong on that score. I had been writing the same type of stories I am writing now for more than year, and I had at least 400 stories, and I was still only making $40 to $65 per month.
And please don't tell me that they weren't good stories. Some of those stories had been on the top of google for 6 to 10 years. Yes, I reworded them, etc. but I've been writing profesionally for a very long time.
That changed when I moved from South Africa to Germany. The moment I got out of SA, my traffic increased. By the same token, when I left Scotland for South Africa, my traffic dropped (on other sites - I wasn't on Medium then).
I also know people who have been writing colleagues alongside me for a decade or more, and who have millions of reads on those sites, and whose work also sits at the top of Google, and they have a lot more than a 100 stories here, and they are not earning anywhere near $100. And they are living in America.
So there is something else at play here. I don't know what.