You might have a Ph.D, but I'm wondering how old you are, and how much you are rooted in a particular culture not to see the big picture here.
I'm a dual German/South African citizen, and I have lived for long lengths of time in the US, the UK, the EU, and Africa.
First of all, the EU has found that Covid is spread by school children and is once more closing schools.
Next, regardless of the vaccine, according to various scientists, WHO, and other sources, Covid is going to be with us for 7 to 10 years, and there is thought that it will be much like the flu - do reruns continually.
You, and many others, appear to think that life, at some point, is going to go back to normal - whatever that is.
Not going to happen.
There are going to be an increasing number of pandemics as well as an increasing number of natural disasters. This is going to change the way we live. It already has.
Now let's look at education.
WTF is wrong with you lot?
There is something extremely sick about thinking that education or skills learning has to be completed in a certain time period in order to be competitive. Education is NOT supposed to competitive.
Yes, survival, particularly in America, is competitive. It shouldn't be. You're perpetuating a system that is responsible for mental illness, obesity, and many other ills as a consequence of stress.
Children are supposedly committing suicide and becoming mentally ill because they aren't associating with other children, and they can't bear to learn online.
Sorry, this is something else. This is dependent on the way children have been socialized in the USA. Children in Africa do NOT commit suicide because they are not at school. Nor do they become mentally ill.
You need to take a long, hard look at your society, your values, the way you do things, and you need also to look at whether this supposed education is going to benefit the children who go through the system in the light of numerous pandemics coming our way as well as food and water drought, and increasing violence as resources vanish.