Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readSep 22, 2022


You make it sound as if the individuals in these countries have no ability to control or say no or do things themslves. As I lived in Africa for 40 years, I beg to differ.

I would gree with you that most of the wealth is still in white hands which annoys the hell out of me, but this has nothing to do with colonialsim.

South Africa became a republic in 1960 (I remember that) and it simultaneously got kicked out of the cmmonweawlth. In 1979 it had world sanctions against it, so there is no way that there was and remains any sort of colonial influence. South Africa told the world to FO.

Also, it's worth knowing that when the white man arrived in South Africa in 1652, the land only had the San (Bushmen). In the 1800s, tribes from north came down south, and that's when clashes started happening. They came down south at the same time that the boers started trekking north in order to avoid the British. These were the Zulus and the Xhosas.

The bad exchange rate has nothing to do with colonialism. It has to co with for-profit capitalism and people who bet on Forex. Whether one was a colony or not, one still gets hammered if the c ountry is not accepted in the west.

One cannot blame the failure of Africa and South America on colonialism. I would be more inclined to say that the people who originally lived there were never educated to a western standard, and therefore they got cheated.

Botswana has done very well, and it, too, was once a colony. It was not at all developed when it because a Republic in 1966.

I think a lot of things are being blamed on colonialism when it should, actually, be blamed on not being savvy enough.



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