Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readMar 24, 2024


You know what fascinates me? It's that everybody who responds seems to think that I haven't read the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, the Daily Mail, the South China Morning Post, Wion News (India) DW (Germany), France 24, AfricaNews, etc.

Of course, I know all the things you've read. My point is that you don't know what I've just posted, and I think you should.

Let me point out some facts that you also don't seem to be aware of:

1. Only 30% of Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews. The rest have have been residing in the Middle East for 2000 years, and they have been under the yoke of Islam, been forced to live under Sharia law and paying the tax imposed on those who are not Muslim. Some also come from Ethiopia.

2. Ever heard of Deicide? The Roman Catholic Church declared that Jews were the murderers of God. It's why the Vatican sided with Hitler. It's why Italy sided with Hitler. Christians have been responsible for the Inquisitions, putting Jews in Ghettoes, confiscating their possessions, torturing them, and putting them to death. The Jews in Germany were freed from having to live in Ghettoes in the late 1800s.

3. Theodore Hertz was the founder of the Zionist movement. I'm not sure that I would call him an Eastern Jew. He founded it because Jews were tired of living in Ghettos.

4. There was another movement towards Jerusalem after the Holocaust.

5. All Jews are Zionists. To be a Zionist means that you believe Israel is the home of the Jews. Zionism is not responsible for the settlements in the West Bank. That's the policy of fundamentalists Jews (10% to 15% of Israelis) who insist on settling in the Bank.

6. To be 'occupied' means something completely different in terms of the United Nations. There are no Jews in Gaza. They moved out 20 years ago and were resettled.

7. Zionists did NOT create Israel at the point of a gun. Jews settled in Israel as a result of Christianity, and they bought and paid for the land. The Caliphate had just been destroyed by the British Empire, and Muslims have resented the intrusion of non-Muslims ever since. The area called Palestine was Jordan, including the parts known as the West Bank, Israel, and the Gaza Strip during the time of the Ottoman Empire. TheBritish Empire was given the mandate by the League of Nations and divided the country, and so on, and so forth. I suggest you go read your history.

8. It's a long story, and you, and the need to get your facts straight.

Am Yisrael Chai.



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