You don't even have the courage to put your real name here, but you want the respect of others?
As I said, if you wrote in paragraphs, I would be less inclined just want to skip over what you said. As it is, I had to copy and paste, in order to be able to read, and write my response in MS Word. I won’t be responding again unless you write in paragraphs. It is too difficult to read blocks of large text.
First of all, I’m not American. Second of all, this abuse started in 1999 when I was living in South Africa, didn’t know a thing about America, had the same values of most upper class people who were privately educated. I didn’t realize it then, but it was liberal. I had a classical education. I was refined, well spoken, and a very different person to the one I am now. I had no conception of the political set up in America until about 2015/16 when I realized that what I thought of as liberal and conservative were two political parties in America.
In 2008, on Facebook, I was ripped to pieces by people in a particular writing group (which I was invited to join). I spent weeks and months explaining things. There was no rudeness in it. The rudeness, callousness, and abuse came from Americans.
Such was my patience, that this is what people wrote to me, even though they had called me things like ‘libtard’ which I gathered was an insult.
“You are able to take the most complicated subjects and dissect them and clearly lead a reader through logic. You have amazed me on several occasions. You, more than anyone else I've come across, have done that which I couldn't dream of accomplishing.”
“I can't believe I'm saying this but AMEN SISTAH! Damn, but if I wouldn't (maybe) listen to you lecture. You do have a way of letting the air out of overly-puffy arguments.”
Around about 2015/16, I changed. I suddenly realized that I did not have to be endlessly patient with people who called me names, belittled me, etc. It was also when I realized I was talking to evangelical Christians and American Republicans and Libertarians.
There is fuck all in this world that will ever convince me to be polite again to anyone who has those ‘values.’
Without doubt, evangelical Christians, Libertarians, and conservatives in America are seriously deranged. That is a statement of fact. In fact, in some professional psychiatric quarters, belief in gods are considered a mental illness. And, yes, they are lacking in goodness. The fact that they think that preventing a woman from having an abortion is a lack of goodness. It is also imposing their will on other people. And so on, and so forth. This is not a difference in opinion. It is a set of values from the dark side.
You say, “People have the freedom to think or speak whatever they believe in without having to be labled in derogatory terms.” Yes, Libertarians believe that. I don’t. People do not have the right to believe that the earth is flat, that the virus doesn’t exist, is a hoax, that climate change doesn’t exist, etc. They do not have the right, in this day and age, to subscribe to the kind of ignorance that is a danger to modern civilization. People do not have the right to believe and think that Latinos are criminals and scum. They do not have the right to believe and think that Jews are responsible for all the misery in the world. In this day and age, every citizen has the responsibility to be correctly informed because there is more than sufficient data to establish what is factual.
Finding information on social media, hearing it from friends (too many people are ignorant and stupid, especially in the US and the UK), and I make no apologies for saying that. When you believe the above kind of thing, this is not about the difference between believing that white looks better on one than black. These are beliefs systems that drive destruction.
The human brain evolved to believe anything that it heard repeatedly. That is how brainwashing works. That is also how advertising and propaganda work. So when stupid, ignorant people repeat endlessly on Facebook that climate change doesn’t exist, that it is not man made, that the virus is just a cold, etc., one is endangering lives. When Muslims brainwash people to become suicide fighters and they attack America because they were the victims of ‘free speech,’ sorry, I don’t agree that everybody can say and believe exactly what they like. When Hitler said Jews were responsible for vile acts, sorry, I don’t care if you think people are allowed to say and think what they like, they absolutely are NOT permitted to destroy the structure of society through their ignorance, stupidity, and malice. Nobody is allowed to say and think what they like when those things are highly destructive.
And, yes, people can decide, en masse, what is destructive and vile and what shouldn’t be believed and said. I have very solid reasons for not being in agreement with Libertarians. I went to their meetings every week for a year in South Africa. They were all prosperous white males…
I have no idea who Dershowitz is. I do think that both Hillary and Biden are pieces of work, and that neither has the integrity or intellect to be in leadership.
“And we do need someone who is versed in business in one way or another in order to be able to relate to the common worker along with the small businesses which are the heartbeat of American commerce.”
I don’t believe I just read that. Business and consumerism are the direct courses of climate change. And business is responsible for the despair of workers everywhere. Depending on the country, somewhere between 75% and 95% of people hate their jobs. And it’s their bosses they hate. Twenty percent of business owners and CEOs are straight up psychopaths, and Forbes has even stated that psychopathy is good for business. That was after the research was confirmed over and over again. If you’re a business owner, you’re likely to be a jerk. I won’t go into the way that business owners treat their staff – including paying them minimum wage which is half the amount of a living wage.
Fuck business. Business is destroying our planet. And they legislate over and over again in order for business to make profits. In every country in the world, lobbying is criminal – it’s called state capture. For the record, an economy is any system which manufactures and distributes. It doesn’t have to involve business. Or it can involve a business where profit is outlawed, and business merely has to be sustainable.
OMG. “Diversity of ideas are lost to group think?” That is rich coming from Libertarians, Republicans, and evangelical Christians. They couldn’t have a diverse thought between the lot of them.
America is going into economic decline. While I feel very much for my friends, it has abused its economic power so much, that I don’t care. I’ve lived in too many countries not to understand just how destructive America’s ‘economic power’ has been on other countries.
I won’t be responding again.