Tessa Schlesinger
5 min readOct 30, 2023


Yes, we are going to disagree on this one. Along with others, I have been warned by Medium that there are topics I cannot talk about. So I can't.

I am appalled by what the left has devolved into. Sadly, if I were to vote in the USA, I would abstain. This is not about giving equality to everyone.

As far as I can see, everyone is equal before the law, and that is all there ever can be. Understand that I grew up in South Africa, where, depending on how dark your skin hue was, you were less and less equal before the law.

What we are stuck with now (in many countries) is a sort of tribalism, where less dominant tribes are seeking to become more dominant than they are.

It is not eqality before the law they are seeking, so much as equality of status, equality of social acceptance, and to be on the same level on the pecking order as those 'above' them.

Like you, I believe in fair and just systems - however, I believe in fair and just legal systems. I also believe that one cannot force some things. And that is where we are now.

Noth the left and the right are now trying to force their particular concepts onto others. I do not believe that everything thing the right believes is wrong and everything the left believes is holy and perfect.

I have no time for Elon Musk, but the touched on something when he said that his politics hadn't changed, that once upon a time he had considered himself liberal, but the left had changed - it has.

Take, for instance, the current situation between Gaza and Israel. There is hatred on both sides, and there is wrong on both sides. I have been very careful to be objective and unemotional in my recounting of history. I have quoted from impartial, academic sources. When referring to the situation, I have specifically used the term Gazans, not Palestinians. Hamas is a Gazan outfit - it does not operate on the West Bank or the Golan heights.

Yet in many responses, there were those who insisted that I mention my shock, feelings of remorse for the Palestinian people, and how Israel deserved Hamas's barbarism and savagery.

I find it insulting to be asked to demonstrate my humanity. In 61 years of writing about social justice, I would think it obvious that I have compassion for others and I will not dignify the insult by responding to it. Subsequently, I have been called every name under the sun, and have blocked those people

Whatever the sins of Israel, and there are many, I do not justify the barbarity and savagery of the Hamas attack. Yet many in the left do.

I am in agreement with the Saudi Prince (my last story published).

Nor am I in agreement with the concept that the Russian attack was the result of NATO and American aggression. Putin attacked for the simple reason that he wants the return of the USSR, and he needed to find a justification of the attack.

Long before Elon Musk took over Twitter, I noticed that many on the left (not the right) were banned or shadow banned. I saw a friend of mine being banned over and over again for the most absurd things. It was only when I read the Twitter files that it confirmed my suspicions - the program was mostly automated, and combined with personal bias of Twitter staff members, objectivity was not a part of it.

One astronomy professor was given a life ban on Twitter for posting a photo of an asteroid belt. They said it was porn. She emailed support continuously but got the same email back - that she broke the rules and must agree that she posted porn and would never post porn again.

What emerged from the Twitter files was that if you didn't have hundreds of thousands of followers, all support was automated.

I am an ex-programner and am ex web designer, so I understand how and why this happened. I also grew up in business.

When I tried to express my horror at what the Twitter Files revealed, I was accused of being in the far right. The hate mail from the left was as bad as anything on the right.

I first noticed this inappropriate response from the left on Google Plus where my posts had up to 1.5 million reads per day. I supported Bernie Sanderson. The hate mail I received from Clinton supporters was unbelievable.

Then something else happened, A libertarian who worked at Google said something to me that I disagreed with. He then said "you have a lot of traffic, don't you?".

I couldn't see the relationship between what we were talking about and my traffic. So I said "That doesn't matter. Twenty four hours later, I had no traffic. Sane thing happened on Hubpages (far right),and on Medium (woke).

So, because I read the Twitter Files, I must now be a Trump supporter. This is the kind of reasoning that has been thrown at me

On Hubpages, I was called a libtard and every other name under the sun

On Facebook (2008), I faced hate mail from evangelical Christians for being an atheist

I short, all of this is groupthink. Whether from the left or the right, there is no rational analysis of what is said

When you tell me that what is being said is from someone in the right, and you want equality for everyone, that is the result of indoctrination and group think. You also tell me that you have no desire to read his books .

That is also indoctrination and groupthink. You have deduced that because I say that the left is destroying enlightened values (which conclusion I have slowly arrived at over the past three years) that I must now be on the right

Actually, I am apolitical, and I will never vote again because I think it is pointless at this point. Rationality is lost, and your response to my story proves that

One if the things that has been said to me frequently on Medium is that I have low EQ and lack compassion. I don't believe either to be true

So I went along to various sites (Berkley, John Hopkins, etc) and did tests. In every test, I came up with exceptionally high EQ

The point is that my evaluations use the principles of the Enlightenment (I had a classical education), and they do not use feelings and emotions as evidence of anything.

I do not consider myself a liberal, libertarian, or conservative when it comes to a political platform. Each if these three schools overlap in some ways. For instance, the DNC has a neiliberal economic policy (which is why I would not support Hillary Clinton). That is an overlap with the right.

There is also far more mental illness on the left than in the right. Again, I have read some 600 psychology books, so I think I know how to detect it. I eventually googled my conclusion and found that I was right. The response from the left? "Oh, the right will say that." Actually, I went into the research and medical statistics.

All of these are emotional responses - whether from the left or the right. Thus we have moved away from rational discourse based on evidence and analysis.
I don't like living in a small town in a country with a small population, but I see massive violence in the future. With numerous conflicts, pandemics, and climate change all meeting head on. It really doesn't matter what you and I think. Civilization is lost.

That is my conclusion.



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