Yes, I am writing about Lily Philips. The issue was topical. it had been read internationally, and I'm a professional writer, a thought leader, so I thought it a good topic to write about. :)
However, I'm also writing about the way that society has changed over the past 50 years, and it has not been for the better.
I seldom write reactively, Chris. I'm an INTJ, and as someone who has Asperger's, I have an extreme level of logic. - putting my thoughts way ahead of any feelings that I may have.
To quote a doctor in a day long evaluation she did on me, "Tessa shows an exceptionally high level of intellectual functioning. She obtained a balanced profile in the sense that both analytical and integrative functions are highly developed. She shows a tendency to synthesize new information into already existing information structures and therefore acquires new knowledge with ease. She tends to work with detail and precision, consistently looks for logical evidence to verify her conclusions and follows her arguments through in a disciplined manner. Although she also shows the potential to use language creatively, logic usually takes priority. The most outstanding characteristic of her profile is the ability to work with conceptual clarity in a completely fuzzy, vague, or unfamiliar environment.”
I hope that explains where I am coming from. I'm sorry that you felt disappointed in what I wrote.