Yes. Certainly. But if a man asked me out, I would go. It never occurred to me he was interested in me. I was always very upfront with guys and told them that I wasn't interested in them. They would insist that they just wanted to be friends.
In my 45th year, three different guys told me that they only wanted to be friends, so we hung out a lot, and, I suppose, I got emotionally connected to them.
Then they all started saying that they wanted to move 'to the next level.' I still feel the anger. It was the first time I realized that men lied, that people lied.
In my early 40s, I met a guy at the tile shop I was working at. He was shopping for tiles, and he asked me out for a picnic. Imagine my surprise when he arrived with his wife and his kids. Never heard from him again, although I never said anything.
About six years later I ran into again, as our kids attended the same classes, and we arranged a lift club. At some point, he told me that a fortune teller had told him that we would get married (he still had a wife). I told him that was absolute nonsense, and I had no interest in him. And that I would never have any interest in him.
Within a year, I moved back to London. Imagine my surprise when he arrived because he had closed up his business and now worked gigs in London. Obviously, we met up and went out for meals together (with my daughter). Then, on my 50th birthday, he ruined my life.
He sat and spoke to a friend of mine (who was into fortune telling). After all my guests went home, they sat there and pulled me to pieces because I wouldn't get involved with men.
I was crying my heart out. In any event, some three months later, he had to return home (he had three months gigs). I went with him to the airport. We sat at the table, and he said something to which I replied. I can't remember what.
He turned to me and said, "I've just realized that you will never be my woman. We will never get married."
At that point, I realized that this person had, throughout the years, never believed me when I told him I wasn' t interested in me. It had been 8 or 9 years of my telling him that (when the subject arose).
I cannot begin to tell you the blind fury that arose in me. I could have killed. He wasted all my time pretending to be a friend.
I won't go near a man now. I think they're all bloody liars, And I don't think sex is all that wonderful that I would sacrifice my piece of mind for it.