Yes, and when I die, there is no more memory of him. In Jewish tradition, there is no after life, you only live on in the memories of those who knew you. My grandmother, for instance, died in 1963. I am probably one of a handful of people alive who remember her.
My grandfather died when I was born. There is probably no one alive who remember him.
I feel an obligation to my father. He should have had a lot more appreciation than he did, but like me, he had Asperger's, and one of the terrible things about Asperger's is that one doesn't realize how not connecting with others is detrimental to recognition.l
This is why I'm talking about this now - that if our only worth is helping others, i.e. then people like us do not have any worth. People who are autistic are driven by deep interests, and they pursue these interests. The interests are not people related.
I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well.
You see, I don't have an argument that people with no credentials just like to troll. I'm debating the statement that if one doesn't help others, one doesn't have worth.