Years ago, I finished a friendship because of this stupid belief. She told me she had done this fabulous online course from Cali (I was back in Cape Town for 2 years and spent 9 years in Cali). I asked her what it was about, but she wouldn't tell me.
I had some important things to ask her about - information I wanted. She spent the entire two hours we were together asking me questions about myself. I was growing angrier and angrier.
I figured that the course she had been on taught her that people like to talk about themselves. Well, she chose the wrong person. I couldn't find anything more boring to talk about than myself.
By the time I got home, I was so angry that I wrote to her, told her what I thought, and that was the end of the friendship. She did write back but I never opened the email, just discarded it. She wasted my time with nonsense.