Yam Israel Chai.
America supplies a fraction of what Israel spends/creates in arms. She has to. The Middle East will not allow her to exist. With or without America, Israel will defend herself. Never again.
I am extremely curious as to why anyone thinks that Hamas is going to negotiate with them. One cannot negotiate with religious fanatics who believe that the entire world must be Muslim.
Which non-European people have been colonized and oppressed by whom in the Middle East? Do you know that 70% of Jews are dark hewed? Only 30% are Ashkenazi Jews from Europe. Are you aware that Mohammed was born in Saudi Arabia, and that the whole of the Middle East and Northern Africa, plus parts of India, etc. were 'colonized' or 'conquered' by Moors (Muslims)? Have you read the history of the Ottoman Empire and how it came to exist?
There have been Jews living in the Levant for thousands of years, Mike. This war would have happened with or without America. Israel spends about $24 billion on its military every year. The USA provides $3 billion.
In return for that $3 billion, Israel provides advanced technology that the USA does not have. Israel is now also exporting weapons.
American weapons have little or nothing to do with Israel's war. They are defending themselves - something that Germany, France, the UK, and many other countries are learning about the militant nature of Jihadi.
America did not create Israel, Mike. Jews created Israel. They created Israel because for 2000 years, they were accused of Deicide by the Roman Catholic Church, and they finally got tired of living in ghettoes, being tortured, stolen from, repeated inquisitions, and more. Ashkenazi Jews started drifting back at the end of 19th century, encouraged by Theodore Hertzel. After the holocaust, many more went.
I might also say that for all wars since the invention of bombs, etc. more civilians have died than soldiers. During WWII, the number of civilians killed in Allied bombing was massive. Russia lost about 27 million people in that war - far more than all the other allies. It's not genocide.
Hamas is guilty of genocide. Genocide has nothing to do with the numbers killed. It has to do with the intent to wipe out a particular creed - not a terrorist organisation.
If you go to YouTube and you listen to any number of Imams preaching to their congregations, they all say the same thing - that they will eliminate Israel, then they will come for all the Jews on the planet, then they will wipe out all the Christians and everybody else. They expect the world to be entirely Muslim by 2050. That is genocide.
I am truly disappointed in what you have written.