1. DNA is very precise. My own DNA shows that my ancestors come from the Middle East. My mother, not a Jew, does not have the DNA. The Jews were forbidden to intermarry, and intermarriage has only started since the end of WWII. So the line of DNA is very clear.
2. Only 30% of Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi, i.e. from Europe. The rest were living in the Middle East throughout the last 2000 years. They were under Muslim rule and had to live according to Sharia law.
3. In what war aren't civilians killed? I see that you aren't saying anything about the Russians and the Ukrainian civilian killed. Nor are you saying anything about the number of civilians killed in the nine countries in Africa that are under constant attack from Jihadi. Aren't you being somewhat hypocritical? Since when, in what world, have civilians not been killed? The Allies bombed German to hell and back during WWII. Millions of civilians died. Millions died in Iraq. Yet you have the audacity - the sheer audacity - to pick or one or two civilians who died in the most focused attack in the history of mankind.
4. You can wish for peace and stability as long as you like. It's not going to happen. And nobody cares about yours, mind, or anyone else's wishes. Unfortunately, we don't have much to say about it. What I can say is that in multiple countries in Europe, Africa, and even China, the 300 million Jihadi in the world are determined to convert the world to Islam. They have a set date of 2050. India sides with Israel because they have the same issue. Poland declined any Ukrainian refugees who were Muslim. She now has a policy of shooting people who try to enter the country illegally. Germany, France, Italy, Holland, and other countries in Europe are not closing their borders to halt the influx. Israel is fighting for her life. The goal of the Jihadi is to eliminate Israel, and then to kill every Jew on the planet. Are you with them?
5. People's DNA can be checked. I read DNA studies. Before you make claims about where people are from, I suggest you do the same. There are plenty of studies available.
6. What you are reading in the press is mostly rubbish, and what you are reading on Medium needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Here's the history. Please feel free to check every single thing I say with historical references. I'm not in the habit of thumb sucking. Israel - the land that now comprises Jordan, the West Bank, and Israel, was originally occupied by Jews - for at least a couple of millennia. Thereafter the dominant religion was Christian - a result of the Crusades and the spread of Christianity in the Middle East (which is where Christianity started). Only for the last 600 years has the major demographic been Muslim.
7. Theodore Hertzl, an Austrian started the migration of Ashkenazi Jews towards the end of the 19th century. Jews bought land there - sold to them by the Ottoman Empire. These were legal transactions. Right from the start, there were issues. The Beduoin, a nomadic tribe, found that they couldn't go on certain lands anymore, because it was now privately owned. Also, according to the Koran, once a land has been converted to Islam, it is not permitted to be another religion again. So this fighting started long before 1948.
8. No Arabs were expelled from Israel before 1948. They fled. What did happen, and what is never spoken about are the millions of Jews that were expelled from Arab lands at the same time - probably because Jews don't speak about their woes over much. My late father never ever mentioned the holocaust, despite the fact that he was a holocaust survivor. Holocaust survivors don't speak about it. Mizrahi Jews don't speak about the hell they have endured under Sharia law for the past 600 years).
9. Of course, there was an agreed upon solution. The land was divided by the United Nations and agreed to by the majority. Unfortunately, the Arab countries (not the current 'Palestine') didn't want a Jewish country because they think that only Arabs should live there. So they went to war against Israel in 1967 and lost land. Until that time, Israel was referred to as Palestine. It was Yasser Arafat who called the people Palestinians. They never existed before 1967. There was no such land as Palestine comprised of the land area that is now called Palestine. The origianal Palestine was Jordan, the West Bank, and Israel (geographically).
I0. In case you haven't noticed, the current administration is dead against Israel. It is speaking against Israel, making claims that aren't true, revealing classified information to Israeli enemies and the general public, etc. Also, Israel would stand, with or without America. It always has, and it always will. You forget that there are Jews all over the world that stand behind Israel, and that Israel has the highest number of Nobel prizes of any ethnicity. They fight not only with brawn, but with brains. They've survived 2000 years of persecution, genocide, etc. Please forget about Israel only surviving because of America. Not true. Also, in case you don't know, Israel has an enormous arms industry, and they make 95% of their weaponry.
11. I don't agree with settlements in the West Bank, but this war is in Gaza - not the West Bank. The two are not to be confused. I suggest you read a little bit more about it. The West Bank is not governed by Hamas.
12. The conflict in the area has not been going on for decades. It has been going on for 150 years.
13. I don't do long form discussions. I'm hear for two reasons - to earn a living and to get the thoughts out of my head. When I write them down, they go away. I don't give two bits about converting other people to the way I think. They can think what they like. I don't care. I write what I believe to be true, and I take great care to check my facts. I need to believe wh at is accurate. Ergo, I read abstracts, encyclopedias, history books, etc. Do you?
14. We need to have compassion, do we? Since when has being able to figure out the difference between right and wrong got anything to do with a lack of compassion? And since when do we all have to wear our compassion on our sleeves and precede every comment with "I have great compassion..." Give me a break.
15. Lebanon was a Christian country until 1979. Most people living there want Hezbollah out. There has been uprising after uprising in Lebanon. Perhaps, you need to start reading more? Israel warns people living in areas they are going to bomb. Perhaps you had take a look at this video to see how Hezbollah uses civilians (against the Geneva Convention) to see what Israel is up against. No other country does this - not even Russia.
16. The Middle East war may well drag the world into a world war. However, when China takes Taiwan in 2027/28, that is what will trigger WWIII. Not Israel/Middle East. So forget about peace. It's not going to be. China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are arming for a fight against US and UK. When that happens, there will be nuclear bombing, at which point we can all say goodbye to human life on earth.
I'm not going to respond further. Unlike many other people, I have been studying history and many other topics my entire life. I am a scholar by nature, and I do not thumbsuck.