With respect, from the outside looking in, America has been causing havoc in the world for a very long time. The insistance that they are the greatest nation, that they are entitled to spy on others, that their soldiers can invade other countries in the name of freedom (or revenge), that everybody must kowtow to Americans - even now - has had a sort of madness enter the American conscience.
The country has an astronomical mental illness prolbem. I want to call it madness, because that is what it is. But, of course, oen cannot be impolite because it might hurt hte feelings of others. To some extent, I understand what republicans say when they say 'Fuck your feelings.'
Our world is dying of climate change, and Americans use up more energy per capita than any other human on this earth, But they blame China which has four time the number of people, even though people are, individually, using up far less than Americans are.
To answer your question. Yes, the lives of the soldiers were taken in vain. So were the lives of every sngle soldier from Vietnam to now. What has been gained as a result of all these wars. America never won any of them, and always had to retract.
What must happen in order for you to value life? Get over yourselves. Understand that all life is precious, that coming first is not the purpose of life, that being the 'leader of the free world' is not the goal.
I am so upst about my friend dying I can't think straight. The richest country in the world, and you cannot provide medical assistnace to a dying man.