With love?
I doubt very much you know what this is.
What privilege exactly do you think that I am accustomed to? The two countries I lived in in Africa, the five I lived in in Europe, Scotland or England that I lived in in the UK, America that I lived in?
Is it being chronically disabled through autism and a processing disorder? Would that be the life long poverty I am living in? Would it be the fact that I have never had parental love (only extreme violence), that I have never been able to find work and have been forced to fend myself against extreme abuse?
Would you be able to live on $200 per month? That is my pension. Would you like to be a refugee without refugee status? I am. I'm entitled to nothing in any country I live in.
Yes, my income as a writer comes and goes. However, for the most part, it has been meagre.
My daughter and I (who have the same disabilities) help each other to survive. That is all we have.
Where is this wonderful life full of privilege that I am supposed to have lived?
As for your 'poetry,' have you actually taken the time to read mine? Do you think that I have no feelings?
When you have been whipped to hell and gone and still bear the scars, and when you have been so hungry that your body is just skin and bones, come talk to me about privilege and poetry. The very fact that you talk about poetry shows your privilege.
Good bye.