
Why don't you check the facts on the official mental health site?

25% of Americans have chronic (life long, untreatable) mental illness, and another 25% have episodic mental illness.

How do you explain the insane behaviour like people objecting to wearing a mask in the middle of a deadly pandemic? How do you explain electing people like Biden and Trump? How do you explain the rage that results in so much shooting of innocent people? People in other countries don't go around shooting each other.

I'm sure that any country can withstand insults. In the UK, nobody takes offence. In other countries, people don't take offence either, but American identity if obsessed with being 'the greatest country in the world".

If one doesn't have the emotional maturity to withstand an insult, no, you won't survive.

Fortunately, I a) am not American b) don't live there anymore.



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