Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readOct 8, 2021


Why does anyone deserve anything? Why do people have to contribute at all? Contribution might have mattered a 10,000 years ago, or 2,000 years ago, or even a 100 years ago. We now have computers, AI, 3D print machines, etc. Work is, in many fields, outmoded. Why do we have to reward people for work?

For most of human existence, work was necessary for survival. If one machine can feed a 1000 people, why does the only person who gets rewarded be the one person who maintains the machine? If it is absolutely essential to some self-rightoues prick that only those who ‘work’ to be rewarded, why not give everybody 2 hours at working the machine?

Let’s disperse with the word ‘evil.’ Let’s say that capitalism is not working towards the common good. Let’s say it has caused more inequality that has ever existed in the world. Let’s say that it is driving climate change.

Yes, there will always be people who murder, steal, want to be king, don’t follow the communal plan, etc. That is why we have laws — to force them to do so.

You’re reaching when you say that the only way humanity has figured out how to do this is figure out some sort of accounting plan. The ‘accounting plan’ was invented to give some people power over others. Since when is that a ‘good’ plan?

Who deserves the copper pot? Nobody deserves anything. You’re stuck in the idea that people have to do something that is admired or perceived to contribute to society, if they have to have the right to live. The concept of deserving is a human construct.

In the animal kingdom, all grass, trees, water, food is available for everybody to take. There is no hierarchy — unless you consider survival of the best adapted. And if that’s what you want to do, I guess that is not about civilization. Also, survival of the best adapted has nothing to do with ‘deserving.’ It has to do with barbarism — you take what you have the strength to take.

How to you stop people from taking copper pots when they can have whatever they like and prevent them from selling when there’s a shortage? Simple, some goods simply cannot be sold. For instance, food is always free, and anyone who attempts to sell is is simply jailed for ciminal acts.

If the system of power is so that everybody has to work in some sort of political office for six months, and instead of a president, there is a council of 13, and they cannot elected more than once, there is no ability to gain power for individuals.

Again, a new system of production and distribution has to be designed. It is not that it is impossible to design something like that. It is that those who think they’re entitled to more because they deserve more — they’ve a mindset and a desire for a hierarchical system — don’t want it.



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