When you teach people that anyone can do anything, to follow their dreams, that all they need to do is work hard (which is generally taught in America), you are setting them up for failure. The fact is that unless one has the innate talent or ability, some things are not achievable.
That sets them up for depression when they fail.
I recall a young lady that I met at college. Her cousins were famous singer/band. She wanted to be a singer. She signed up for college classes. She failed over and over again.
Eventually, she went to the professor and asked what she had to do to pass. He told her it was impossible to pass her because she was never going to be a singer.
My brother was a musician and singer - professionally. He just did that on his own. I suggested she just go and try out for gigs. She never spoke to me again. Why? Because deep down she knew she couldn't sing. She just didn't want to believe it.
Needless to say she became very depressed. Why Because there was conflicting information. In one way, she had been taught that she could do anything she wanted to do, if only she worked hard and believed. When reality finally met her, she broke.