Well, you sat out the early part of the war, so you profited from the war and had weapons to sell, didn't you? You proud of that?
It also doesn't detract from the fact that the USSR sent more men into the field and that Russia was the first into Berlin and that without USSR manpower, the war would have been fought a lot longer. It was NOT America.
Your military complex has been putting the world to war ever since, so that your country could profit. You've caused destabilization in the Middle Esat and in South America. The number of refugees in the world is 100% the fault of America.
In 1975, your CIA asked South Africa to go to war with Angola. Your country has been interfering in the sovereign affairs of other countries for more than 50 years. That has come to an end, though. That last Iraqui invasion was the last straw. America will never find countries willing to go to war again.
I would suggest you stop buying into American propaganda. Unlike you, I have a very balanced view of the world. I have lived and worked on three continents for 70 years. I am a dual South African/German citizen, and I immigrated legally to the USA for 11 years before I decided it was not a good country for me.
I'm sorry you have wasted so much of your life in believing in Christ. As a hardcore atheist and humanist, I'm aware of just how much Christianity impaired me during the time I was a Christian.