Well, yes, we should follow the science, and according to science, fewer older people are dying now and more younger people.
QUOTE: At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, reports indicated that the disease was mostly affecting older adults, and that young people were more likely to have milder cases of the disease. But according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over the summer, in the United States, people under age 30 accounted for more than 20% of COVID-19 cases and were seen as more likely to transmit the virus than others. This trend has continued into the fall.Coronavirus infections requiring hospitalization are not only possible in younger adults, but the rate of these cases is increasing as the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus continues to spread. Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., senior director of infection prevention at Johns Hopkins, sheds light on the new data.
You are a bit dated in your data. More and more children are beginning to die. That is the international trend. The virus does NOT only target the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. As you can see, many young, healthy people are dying from it.
As for children not doing well at home, well, they shouldn’t be doing school work. School should just be on hold for a few years. They can learn other things – how to garden, how to cook, etc. That’s what my article indicated.
As for children committing suicide and abuses, blame capitalism. Blame business. Blame the conservatives with their bullshit jobs and complete disregard for the fact that humans evolved to work a 20 hour week – as do all mammals. Until the Industrial revolution, no human being worked more than 20 hours per week.
“The total effect of this pandemic must be weighted in order to make an informed decision.”
Yes, this is NOT a normal disease. It still has some years to run, and you will begin to see people dying from the vaccine, the virus morphing so that the vaccine is ineffective, etc. The only effective way to kill this is complete and utter lockdown for four months,
Alos that might have been how it dealt with infectious disease in the past – but this is an INTERNATIONAL PANDEMIC and it cannot be treated that way. The Chinese did not lock down their people for 2 months and close all their industry because they were martyrs.