Well, let's see. He doesn't have a Ph.D, so he isn't a doctor. A Distinquished Architect is a piece of paper given to good computer systems salesman by a self-govening computer organisation.
He can't write to save his life, and his books don't sell on Amazon. When it started, he recruited newbies on Medium, and he told them they must give 50 claps to every other person and follow them. If they all did that (no reading required) and it didn't matter how bad the writing was, they would all make lots of money. It was against the rules because the number of claps meant that people earned money per clap. It's called gaming the system.
So people who couldn't write a damn, and who wrote absolute bloody nonsense, would soon have 500 followers. They would all have 500 followers with thousands of claps. That was one of the reasons that Medium got rid of the clap system of payment. They were gaming the system.
I know this because one of my colleagues was invited to join, and then got a personal email from the good doctor explaining things. My friend reported them and withdrew his work. The magazine was shut down at one point, also based on someone who reported them.
More than that, none of their editors can spell, write a grammatical sentence, or know a thing about writing. One of their leading editors, if not the leading editor (I'm blocked from the site and I blocked her because it was painful to read the bullshit she wrote) told me that she wanted to win a Pulizer Prize. OMG! the woman had a pea-brain, was semiliterate, etc.
Of course, from those dubious beginnings, by gaming the system, they now have a good many excellent writers. But those of us who know how they started aren't interested.
For the record some time ago, I made a comment on aforenamed editor's piece written about how fabulous Illumnation was - just a single sentence mentioning the publication and owner in a negative right. As I have both a legal background, and I've worked for many publications in my life, I'm extremely careful about what I say.
All hell broke loose. The good 'doctor' wrote an article demanding an apology from me, told me I was in contravention of Medium TOS and that I was guilty of slander (slander means to speak verbally - libel is to write), and that he had been in touch with his attorneys (on a Sunday afternoon), and that I must give him an apology immediately, or face the consequences. :) I also ocntacted Medium. I was not in contravention of their rules.
So I asked him to prove his credentials.
Never heard another word, and 10 minutes later I was blocked.
Says it all, doesn't it?
Then, a few of his profoundly ignorant followers wrote a few articles about me, and my earnings went up, and it's possible that I am where I am today beause of the additional traffic that brought me.
That's about it.