Tessa Schlesinger
1 min readJun 2, 2024


Well, just because God told the Israelites to strike down the Amelikites or whoever does not mean that this applies today. It's like reading a history book and you see that America bombed two cities in Japan, and then saying it's an instruction to by God for America to bomb Japan.

For reasons beyond me, Christians seem to forget that Torah is just a history of the Jews. It is not an instruction booklet.

The best of Jewish teachings is this:

1. Do good things for all people - mitsvah

2. Be kind to everybody.

3. Be kind to the stranger in your land. (as demonstrated by the 20% of Arabs that live in Israel and have equal rights).

Jesus did not bring a new spin to Judaism. I once checked. Apart from the parables, every single word he uttered was from the Jewish writings. There is absolutely nothing he taught that wasn't straight from Torah, the books of wisdom, etc.

Personally, along with many other Jews, I don't believe there is a god. In Israel, half of them are secular, and 10% are religious nutcases. They are the ones who are causing all the trouble.

Probably the best way to learn about Judaism if find a reform shul and start attending. You might be surprised at how wrongly Christians interpret what Christ actually said.



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