Well, first of all, I was born and bred in Africa. I've spent over 40 years there. I've lived and worked in several countries and have visited others.
I disagree that the issues with black people in the States (and in the UK) is the outcome of colonialism. Africans in Germany are very different. That's because they were socialized in a different way.
I believe there are several forces at play that is causing the disruption in the world.
1. Classism (under which racism falls).
2. Religion.
3. Culture
I am a dual South African/German citizen who immigrated to the US and was shocked to find it more third world than the UK and Europe.
Yes, economic exploitation by the west is part of Sub-Saharan African issues. But also, there is tremendous violence between the tribes. There is the old culture which is still passed down.
For instance, in my native South Africa, men rape babies in order to cure themselves of HIV/AIDs. Shamans murder others in order to obtain body parts of 'muti' (magical medicine. This would include murdering a grown man in order to use his testicles to enhance the virility of another man.
Polygamy is common. Even in South Africa, the law allows a man to have many wives. Plus abortion is common as are gay marriages. So is the selling of magical charms (muti) for wealth, extra virility, health, bewitching your neighbor, etc.
Every sub-Saharan country has extreme corruption. This is not a result of colonialism or Christianity (I'm an atheist and humanist). It is the result of a different set of values combines with a misunderstanding of how money is generated. I've studied this for years. I initially studied anthropology in the 70s.
I think I would change your statement from 'Liberalism without tackling racism is unsustainable' to 'Liberalism without tackling classism is unsustainable.' And everybody single person who is guilty of consumerism and wealth gathering is responsible for that, regardless of creed or color.