Very simple.
You bought the kool-aid. You believed the gurus when they said follow other people and they will follow you back. That used to be relevant in the 90s.
So you got followers who fillowed you because you followed them. What you did not get was people who wanted to read you.
For the record, claps and views are nonsensical measurements. The only measurement that works is reads.
I have a writer's magazine entitled "Born to Write" Some have said it's the best writing magazine on Medium.
Maybe. Maybe not.
However, I have been published for 60 years and have been very active on the web since 1994. The web had 3004 sites at that time.
My Goodreads average is 4.7 and Google has my name in.predictive text, plus I have a Google panel if I want it.
In other words, my credentials as a writer are solid.
Feel free to browse through my writing magazine for any help you need.