Until the end of the 60s, it was considered really bad character to take our loans or to buy on credit. Then, along came credit cards, and the entire world changed.
I don't care if interest rates go up. I buy everyhting cash, or I do without. I have done without a lot of things. I don't have a car, a home, a lunge suite, a tumblie drier. In a country where electrictty for the average household is $100 per month, mine is $30 per month. Don't use much energy either.
Inflation is caused by a number of things. it is caused by companies wanting to make more profit, so they up the prices. It is caused by there been a shortage of goods so companies charge what they like and make more profit.
The only people who are affected by interest rates are those who buy things with loans. I undestand that includes homes, but, again, I grew up in an age where you took into consideration that loans went up and down, etc. You took into consideration that there were bad times, and you decided whether you would manage in bad times.
What is not covered here is that government investment shouldn't come from loans. It should come from taxes, so I'm very confused about why things that are paid for by government have to come from loans.