Um. You have a few things wrong - very, very important things.
Only 30% of Jews in Israel as Ashkenazi. 70% are people of color - the Sephardic Jews from the Levant (Middle East), the Mizrahi Jews who have lived in Israel for the past 2000 years, and the Ethiopian Jews.
I think you need to study a lot deeper. The area called Palestine under the Ottoman Empire comprised modern day Jordan and Israel. The areas that are now called Palestine (West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights) came into being in 1967 after the 6 day war. The Golan Heighs was taken from Syria, the West Bank from Jordan, and the Gaza Strip from Egypt.
The bulk of world Jewry is NOT descended from converts to Jewry. It is only in the last 50 or so years that converts have been permitted. My own DNA goes back to Turkey.
In addition, Mohammed was born in Saudi Arabia. If you read the Koran (I have), you will find that it is NOT a history of events like Torah or the Christian New Testament. They are the instructions of Mohammed to kill anybody who would not convert to Islam or obey Sharia Law.
Those Jihad (holy war) killed some 400 million Hindus in their effort to convert India, and they killed many millions more in Africa, in Persia, etc. Persia (Iran) worshipped Zoroaster before Islam converted it.
Up until 400 AD, Jews were the majority population in the area. For the next 700 years, Christians were. For the last 600 years, it has been Muslims.
Israel has not declared war against the West Bank. She has declared war against Hamas who rules in the Gaza Strip. Egypt refuses to take Palestinians from the area and also has a wall to prevent them from entering Egypt. That's quite strange, because until 1967, that land belonged to Egypt.
I would absolutely agree with you that Israel should not be putting settlements in the West Bank, but Palestine has continually refused a two state solution, and Jordan does not want the area back. None of the other countries want the land back either. Israel has offered.
I have no desire to continue this conversation. It is too time consuming, and it's pretty pointless. I have no desire to bash anyone over the head about their opinion. I think it's the duty of everybody to study the history of the area thoroughly before believing what the propaganda says.
For instance, where on earth do you get the idea that people in Israel are all from Europe. There have been Jews living in that area for 2000 years. Under Muslim rule, they had to pay taxes and were treated very badly. You can read the history of the Jews who remained in Judea in wiki.
For the rest of it, John, my article was about the wrong use of the term 'apartheid' to describe Israel. I also wrote an article about the wrong use of the term 'genocide' a while ago, if you remember.
The article is about Israel being labeled an apartheid country. It clearly is not. Comments should stick to the article.