Today, when I looked at the videos of homes falling into the sea in Florida, I remember 10 years ago, on Google Plus warning about this. Nobody paid any attention.
In February 2020, a girlfriend I've known for half a century told me I had to stop writing about climate change, sea rising, human extinction, pandemics, etc. I asked her why. She said it wasn't going to happen because it hadn't happened before.
One month later, we had Covid. And, of course, in the last few years, the floods and the fires have left no doubt. She now accepts it.
Facebook has a memories section. I have posts coming up about climate change in 2008. I post them and add "I told you so."
At one point, I was a top writer here on climate change. I've been accused of everything under the sun, including doomism, being rude (actually blunt and direct which some dont' seem able to deal with), and more.
So be it. I'm switching to fiction. I looked at the homes falling in to the sea and thought, "You can't say you weren't warned.!
Oh, yes, and I moved to Ireland. it's one of the areas that will be affected less than others.