Tim, I was out and about and couldn't respond properly. You responded to a woman who wrote me 5 different responses on this piece, told everybody that I didn't know what I was talking about, that I didn't even know about sea rise, so I was recommending islands.
The lady didn't have enough sense to realize that the UK, Ireland, Australia, etc are all islands, and that they will have about the same sea-rise as any continent.
She told everybody that they must not read me because I was a complete idiot and everybody else was much better than me.
Then she went on a long rant about my only catering to the 1%, that what I wrote was for people who were rich, and she insulted me in every way possible.
And then you support her? Well, if you supported her, then it must mean that you agreed with everything she said about me.
So, yes, that is why I wrote what I wrote.
That said, in the next few days, I'm going to write a piece that explains that whatever is done now to 'slow down' climate change will only benefit the people long after we are gone (if we haven't gone extinct).
So all this talk about stopping climate change is a bit like shutting the stable doors after the horse has bolted. I don't think any of these people are aware that they will derive no benefit from whatever they think it is they are going to do to stop or slow down climate change.