There was an article a few days ago about people being xenophobic about 'foreigners' in Portugal. After 9 months, I decided to leave. Keep in mind that I'm an EU citizen and it shouldn't be difficult.
I could write a book on the bs. When I posted to the British expat page that I was leaving, some people asked me why.
I gave them a list of 12 things. All of them (no exceptions) told me that they were leaving for the same reasons, were packing up, and going elsewhere.
The Portuguese do speak English. They just do everything to cheat you, to charge you more. They will charge you a year's rent upfront which is illegal. When I queries that with the government consumer service, the attoney told me that it was justified because I was a 'foreigner.'
One woman assaulted me on the bus. They are horrible people, and while I realize there are always nice people in every country, when my daughter came to join me from the States, she found the same thing. And so have others.
I will never set foot in that country again.