There is only one MBTI genuine test. I researched this some time ago. More to the point, the foundation was set up just before Briggs died - with her permission. In addition, the tests are now administered by a group of psychologists who continually change the original tests. I'm not impressed as I have no time for psychologists. I gave you an example earlier of a test that put me in a type A category when I was nothing of the kind.
I have had other tests, too, which fell hopeless short. For instance, in America, a test put me as a rebel, but the administrator couldn't figure out the answer because rebels aren't sensitive, and I was extraordinarily sensitive. She might have had a Ph.D but she was too stupid to try and figure out where the error was.
The error was in language. English has different meanings for different words. The test kept asking me if I would do what the group wanted or go along with the group. I said absolutely no. In South Africa, a group was generally a criminal group whereas in America it was a social group.