There is a problem with the two words you have chosen - they are not precise, and I rather like precision.
So I'm going to substitute fact for true, and beneficent for good.
It's irrelevant what people say. Most people talk junk. The only thing that is relevant is whether something is factually true - i.e. whether, regardless of human perception, the measurement remains the same.
So while one person, in the same weather as another, will say, "It is hot," and the other person say "It is cold," the only measurement that can be trusted is that it is 23 degrees centigrade.
Their understanding changes when they grasp that what they think, feel, believe, etc. has to be consistent with a more objective measurement - something that is unaffected by their thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.
That is why I stick to science. Sometimes we don't have the tools to measure everything, but I think it's fair to say that for the purposes of our daily needs, we have sufficient measurements to get by.
Where philosophy and religion appeal is that a great many people suffer as a result of their inner perspective not behing congruent with the events of the outer world. Then they begin to ask, "Why did he die?" "I did my best but still failed - why?"
These questions are a result of being taught that there is some logical reason for everything that happens. Well, there is, and there isn't.
1. The second law of thermodynamics state we live in a world where order moves constantly to disorder. That's just the way the world is. There are no answers to why that is. Acceptance is the only way to handle it - and then to make peace with always doing one's best to restore order. :)
2. To some extent all things are connected. When a tectonic plate moves, the earth starts shaking. When the earth starts shaking, everything that is on top of that fault line will start shaking. If there is a city on that fault line, the buildings may start to fall down. If the buildings start to fall down, the people in them or underneath them or in their way might die. So when someone says there's a reason for this or that to happen - yes, there is. The reason , in this case, is that the tectonic plated moved. However, the reason is not that the tectonic plate moved because some superior being wanted it to move in order to set up a series of events so that some small ant would learn a lesson to make them a better person. When one teaches people that everything happens for a reason, and when one attempts to enable people to see life through rose colored glsses because that makes it easier for them to handle (which is what religion and philosophy and psychology and some stuff does), the problem is that sooner or later, these people can't cope. It is so much better just to let people understand that life can sometimes be extremely harsh, and that it is better to be aware of all the dangers and avoid them.