There are lots of books to read about atheism, if one wants to know about it. For myself, I just came to the conclusion after some 45 years of believing in god that he could not possibly exist - not a personal god who answered prayer anyway. And if he did exist and didn't answer prayer, then there wasn't any point in prayer or even believing he existed.
I simply grew tired of endless prayer, study, going to church, to bible study, and a thousand other activities, and there was no improvement, no benefit in my life. All i got was the endless jealousy and malice of religious people.
Finally, the light dawned. There was no god. It was all a delusional belief. With that, I turned to science. Science answered my questions in three minutes, changed my life, and that was that. That was 30 years ago, and I have never looked back.
Life is so much simpler, more ethical, less stressful, and pleasant when one isn't twisting oneself into knots trying to believe in nonsense.