There are different situations and different people, and that makes a great deal of difference.
Both my late mother and I had our lives destroyed as a result of our looks. Women couldn't look at us without wishing to destroy us, and men couldn't look at us without wishing to bed us.
I have NEVER met a man who wasn't interested in bedding me - not until I was in my 60s anyway.
When I was living in London in my early 50s, a woman said something to me. She said, "Tessa, when a man looks at you, he doesn't see you. He sees what you look like. Men can't think straight when they see those kind of looks."
In my late 30s, living in Cape Town (South AFrica), I had 30 or 40 men coming up to me and saying "You're stunningly beautiful."
In Los Angeles, in my mid-5-s, a woman on the bus, and said, "You look like Elizabeth Taylor when she was young."
Actually for much of my teesn and 20s, people told me I looked like Sophia Loren.
Perhaps other women would have enjoyed the attention. There were complications, though.
My IQ has been measured somewhere between 165 and off-the-graph. I had Asperger's Syndrome (a type of autism), and an auditory processing disorder. I also attended a very small exclusive private boarding school (church school) where we had no contact with anyone outside the school. My high school class was 13 girls. That's it.
Added to that, my late mother did everything she could to destroy me. I have absolutely no idea why. I was verbally, emotioanlly, and physically abused.
In short, I didn't stand a chance in helll. I understand why.
What I can never forgiv eor condone is that every single fucking man had no problem with seducing me and then walking away. It killed me. That's all they wanted from me. That doesn't mean that I slept with men continually. While there was a short period of time (in my late 20s) where I dated a different man every night for 18 months (my phone never stopped ringing), those dates were for one night only. I had no social skills and just stared at the guy without talking to him. I thought that not talking to someone was good behaviour.
Why? My late mother would beat me if I opened my mouth, and at the school where I was at, nobody spoke to me, I had never heard a conversation or witnessed one.
I was 62 before I realized that people spoke to each other in order to bond.
The bottom line is that all the men I have ever met (and I have met many) only wanted to sleep with me, and they didn't even consider that because I was the way that I was, my feelings would be deeply hurt. They lied to me, and they did everything possible to get me into bed, and when they did, they walked away.
Perhaps there are men that aren't like that. I don't know. I do know that while, at this point, I have many internet male friends who have been around since abbout 2008, and they're around because of my intelligence, ethics, and insights (and they know how I feel about men as well), they respect me and help me. And we've never met physically and we probably never will.
And that's the way I like it.
In the years that I lived in London (late 40s early 50s, I had reached a point where, if I man was within a meter of me, I started physcially shaking from fear. It took me a while to get over that fear.
I have no respect for men. I never met any exceptions. If you read the psychological research, most men and women have the kind of response to extraordinarily beautiful that I had.
The brain is actually affected by looking at beautiful people, by the way. People can't help themselves.
I'm sure that you are a very good man. What I'm not sure of is if you were one of those men who when meeting a stunningly beautiful woman and she was easy to get into bed because she was very trusting, if you would have gone ahead.