
There are commonalities, and I have never lived in a less diverse country in my life.

1. America is about shopping.

2. Americans are patriotic.

3. Americans believe in gods, laws of attractions, mystical mumbo jumbo, etc.

4. America is about success stories.

5. America is about winning at all costs.

6. America's education system keeps people uninformed.

7. Americans value 'freedom' above all things.

8. Americans want their guns

9. Americans fight about abortion. In other countries it's a non issue.

10. Americans need endorsements for their politicians.

11. American's confuse friendship with companionship.

Denise, of course, not every person in the country holds with those things. There are atheists in America, but they are the least trusted, and it's a very small percentage. When we speak of generalities, we understand that there are exceptions. What we're saying is 'For the most part...' Or a very large majoirty.



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