The Trump phenomenon is very easy to understand. A large percentage of Americans are thought to be internationally for being stupid and ignorant. There are so many stories written about that.
Here’s one piece in a psychology journal and two from British newspapers.
The entire world thinks that Donald Trump is vulgar, stupid, a liar, criminal, mentally ill, and ignorant, and you think we don’t understand the Trump phenomenon? Why don’t you google the words “Americans are stupid and ignorant?” or “Trump is stupid.” But do me a favor and google international news sources like the UK, Australia, Germany, France, etc. Your perception is very different to how the rest of the world sees America and Trump. Of course, everybody also realized that one is speaking about some — not all.
What is it that you think he achieved? He has pushed the world into a very dangerous place. Noam Chomsky, one of the most brilliant intellectuals in the world, puts Donald Trump as worse than Hitler because he is undoing what little protections there are against climate change.
This piece is written by George Monbiot, of the UK’s leading journalists and it’s about how ignorant Americans are, and it’s written in 2008.
As a headhunter, specializing in engineers with MBAs and CEOs, I interviewed, tested, and placed numerous very high-ranking executives for 5 years, and I was one of the top recruiters in my country. I earned a lot of money because I am very, very good at reading people correctly. One does not place people in those kind of executive positions without being exceptional at figuring out who's lying and why and what someone's intelligence level is. I’d be happy to provide you references if you send me your email.
Trump got in because lots of Americans are ignorant and stupid, and they are living in a very high-stress country, where the majority are struggling paycheck to paycheck. This is the result of propaganda and not a particularly good education.
It’s bullshit that politicians are not able to speak off the cuff. They don’t have that problem in other countries. The entire point of being a politician is that one has highly developed skills.
I don't recall Nelson Mandela making any gaffes.
I find it incredible that you have supposedly worked at one of the most respected companies in the world at one time, and you hold the views you do. Then, again, IBM eventually failed, probably because it had stupid leadership. You don’t lose $8billion in one year (1993) because you’re ahead of the curve. The company has sunk because it doesn’t understand the world. Perhaps you picked up your view point there. I truly don’t understand how you can hold the view and perspective you do.