The human species is omniverous, so meat eating is part of their diet. Rght now, we are living during the 6th mass extinction. Different species are dying off every day. This is resulting is the destruction of our eco system. We depend for our survival on the eco system. Once that goes, we are done as a species. Currently, our species will be extinct within 80 years. It is not only climate e change (driven by pollution), but the combination of about a dozen different factors (I have written about them elswehere).
One of the factors is the killing off of animals - through hunting, through land expansion, and through growing droughts and changing climates. Other species are not surviving it.
Also, there is athe matter of ethics. Ethics are rules that drive survival of the community (species). If one person does something, it doesn't really have an impact on the survival of the species. If a large percentage of people take that action, then it has an impact on collective surival.
If one person hunts, the survival of another species is not a problem. One person cannot do that much harm. However, when everybody hunts, then species go extinct.
I've provided one link below that shows some animals that have become extinct directly as a result of human hunting. As a South African, heavily exposed to American trophy hunting, even those animals that are facing extinction, all for the status and bloodlust by those who think there is something smart about killing a defenceless animals that is hurting no one, I strongly object to hunting.
It is one thing to breed animals in captivity for eating. It is quite another to go out into the wild and shoot animals for the love of killing. There is something loathesome about that act. We do not kill unless absolutely necessary for our survival.
The reason you're rejecting the notion that hunting is ethically wrong is because you love it, and you don't want to know that it is wrong.