Tessa Schlesinger
4 min readAug 11, 2021


The human species has survived through cooperation. Without cooperation, individuals are too weak to overcome the many challenges. Without the input of others, you and those of you who don’t believe in the common good will not survive. It’s that simple.

With regard to the vaccination, the only way we can reach herd immunity is by everyone being vaccinated. The idea that herd immunity evolves when enough people get a disease is unadulterated bullshit. We still have chicken pox and measles and flu and all sorts of other things. Herd immunity has not developed despite the diseases being with us for thousands of years. However, polio has been wiped out. We can only wipe out a virus when it is done collectively.

By putting individual fucking comfort, ego, status, above the common good, you destroy humanity. You weaken humanity. And make no mistake, it will come back to bite you in the backside. You are not immortal. You are not that strong. You just think you are strong because you have never lived in a harsh enough environment to understand that.

Comparatively, the spread of the virus by vaccinated people is 1 or 2%. The majority of spread is coming from unvaccinated people. And the longer these fucking dickheads go unvaccinated, the more time the virus has to mutate to become something even deadlier.

No, it’s not a weak argument to make that people who chose to go unvaccinated are guilty of murder. They are. They actually chose to spread the disease. Those who got the vaccination didn’t chose that. They took the right path, but were just unfortunate enough to be amongst the 5% where the vaccination didn’t take.

“Anyone … scared of the virus should get the vaccine.” Oh, wow. You think that one shouldn’t be scared of a little old virus? WTF? Clearly someone indoctrinated you with some myths a very long time ago. Real men understand that if you go into battle you put on armour. It doesn’t make you a coward by ensuring that you will stay alive during battle. It’s only fucking idiots who go into battle without protection.

The government screwed up badly by not letting this be an international government project. We could have wiped it out permanently, but business fucked it all up because they wanted to make a profit. My contempt for people who base their lives on profit and being big deals has no end.

How is it that everyone can get the vaccine? I can’t. I’ve been trying for months to get it. There are billions of us that can’t get it. Our governments can’t afford it. The fucking big pharma companies are screwing the world for profit. I hope every single one of them roasts in hell for an eternity. Scum of the earth.

You say, “Since everyone has had the chance to get the vaccine, the people that haven't gotten it have chosen to not get it.” Clearly, you’re an American with no concept that there are 8 billion people on this planet and more than half of us do not have access.

This statement of yours is laughable “They know the risks that they are taking, that is their choice.”

No, they didn’t know their risk. The number of people with your beliefs who are dying now is becoming fairly high. They’re all repenting on their death beds. They didn’t know the risks. They have been told the same boloney that you seem to believe.

Here’s just a handful of people who didn’t know the risk. They thought it was like the flu. And they didn’t dare get the vaccine because they were scared shitless of being accused of ‘being scared.’


And fuck individual freedom when it means that everybody else is going to die. Some Americans don’t seem able to absorb the concept that your fist ends where my face starts. When your fucking freedom is responsible for killing other people, then are a murderer. You do not have absolute freedom in this world, and whoever told you that deserves to be hung by the balls.

Oh, wait. It was Ayn Rand. She didn’t have any balls. She was just a mentally ill old bag who couldn’t write, and who had been so harmed by communism that she was unable to understand how society actually worked.

The reason we have governments is so that we can work together for the common good. Oh, wait, you don’t believe in the common good. Well, then you don’t belong in a civilized country, because civilization is the outcome of government.

You’re quoting Furedi to me? Well, you’ve already quoted Hitler to me, so why the hell not.

Governments are NOT authoritarian structures. They are necessary for humanity to exist.

It’s interesting that you enjoy speaking to people who disagree with you. No doubt, because you enjoy winning, and you’re determined to win. I’m sorry, I don’t have the time. I also don’t do conversations with libertarians or conservatives. I avoid them like poison.



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