The classical education system (which was probably part of your education system) was finally laid to rest in 1969. For the most of the 70s, some of it remained. It gradually disappeared. Kids no longer learn grammar and spelling. Also, I don't recall saying that kids no longer do homework. Can you please give me the sentence on that?
I also didn't say that there were no horrors, no pregnant single parents, no homeless. I said that the condemnation that was previously dished out to single women was abolished, and it became acceptable to have children out of wedlock. Subsequently, more and more women did, and more and more children grew up without fathers and without mothers (because they had to work), and subsequently, children didn't get the caring and developmental assistance they needed. You seem to have missed that. Or you misinterpreted what I said.
I think you need to reread what I said (if you're interested enough).
I also didn't say that the 'old virtues' were abandoned. I never spoke about virtues ever. I specifically said, it didn't matter what the societal system was, and if the system was removed, and there was no system to replace it, then cultural breakdown happened, and that was the source of today's problems.
You need to reread it, and you need to remove your own national or cultural perspective from what I said, and look at it from a global perspective.