That is complete poppycock. Jews are mostly atheists and secular. We don't believe that God gave us Israel, for the simple reason we don't believe that there is a god.
There is, however, a millennia long association of Israel with Jews, plus, the majority Muslim demographic has only been so for 600 years. Christians were the majority demographic for 700 years, and Jews for the a lot longer than that, before that.
In addition, the areas called Palestine now, were not called Palestine until 1967. In fact, they didn't exist. Gaza was part of Egypt. The West Bank was part of Jordan, and Golan Heights was part of Syria.
Israel took those in battle in 1967. It was Arafat who called those lands Palestine. Until the 1948 war, Israel was called Palestine, and that land was given to them by the United Nations. All the lands in the Middle East were created as a result of the British Empire conquering the Ottoman Empire in the early part of the 20th century. It was the League of Nations who created the lands as they now stand.
You have bought into a conspiracy theory that has been spread by Iran and Russia. They play on your ignorance, and your need for righteousness. Israel is the only country with western values (enlightened values) in the Middle East.
Right now, people like you are weakening the west because you're badly educated, and you believe the things you do because you were never taught the correct history.
According to British intelligence, China will invade Taiwan in 2027/28. russia is currently busy re-arming Russia, and it will take three years, which is why the invasion of Taiwan is set for 2027/28. They will also be allying with North Korea, and some other country (I've forgotten).
In the meantime, BRICS (that's Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have had 23 other nations apply for membership. Their goal is to remove the reserve currency from America (that's the currency that countries are forced to trade in), and to create their own currency. When that happens, goodbye American dollar.
Together with the stand you and many others are taking, in standing against western values, blindly supporting terrorist states, etc. you will be responsible.
Remember my words.