Thank you for that, Marge.
Those 'gurus' who are going on about how lucrative Medium is are not telling the truth. They are earning whacks of money by selling courses, and they keep people reading by making promises and telling outright lies.
I have been writing on the web for a lifetime, and I can assure you, that it is damned hard to get to a $1000 per month. Only 5% of writers on any site tend to make more than $50 per month. That is pretty much universal.
For my first year on Medium, despite the fact that I averaged about 10 articles a week, and I'm a highly experienced writer, I made between $40 and $60 every month. It's not possible to live on that. I think you will agree. 13 months in, I made $128. Fourteen months in, one of my pieces went viral. It made $3800 . Nothing has gone viral since. I dropped 75% without two months.
I now do make more than $100 a month, but it can stop anytime.
Again, those writers who post about how lucrative Medium is, earn money every time you read them. That's why they write that. They have headlines like:
How I made $5000 in a month on Medium.
How you can get 50 followers a day.
How I earned $1 million in ten years.
And so on. All of these headlines are designed to get you to read their stuff. All of it is complete and utter bullshit.
I don't write articles on writing because I want to teach anyone. I write them to counter the bullarkey that is written on this website and elsewhere.
Hope that helps. :)