Tell me, have you ever lived in Africa? Or Europe? Or the Middle East? The far-right is attempting to save themselves from barbarism.
Have yoy ever lived in a country ruled by Sharia?
Europe is turning to the far right because they are sick and tired of rape, murder, suicide bombs, etc. They want the 'refugees' out.
This isn't a small minority. This is the majority. This is why the UK had Brexit. This is every country in the EU. The UK left the EU in an attempt to stop the flood of 'refugees' comimg into the country.
In the USA, you have millions of illegal immigrants. The left is tone deaf. They are so busy looking at the world through their civilized eyes, they cannot believe that there can be cultures living on this planet that are barbaric. It must be 'racism.'
I just don't understand how a people can be so unaware when there are hundreds of thousands of videos on the web showing the constant attacks, the rapes, the demands by Muslims that Europe and the UK live under Sharia law.
I have lived in those worlds. You haven't.