Stating something that is factually true is NOT a hateful statement.
Stating that I personally don't like short men is not a hateful statement, especially if it is in the context of dating men. As you will note from the above articles, most women are not attracted to short men when it comes to dating. I am no different to most women there.
There is a difference between being hateful (actively setting out to harm short men and actively being mean to them), and simply stating one isn't drawn to them.
Small man syndrome is aso well known. It is when a short man tends to make up for his lack of height by being overly dominant and aggressive. I call that having a shitty personality.
This ultra aggressiveness by short men is confirmed in research by scientists.
They are factual statements. Am I supposed to stop stating facts because small men wil get offended, hurt, etc.?
Maybe they need to deal with their height issues? Do you know that on dating sites, men add some two or three inches to their height in order to get dates?
You can googe the rest.
Again, stating my personal lack of attraction to short men does not make me hateful. Nor does stating factual information that is well known and well researched.
I'm sorry you feel offended by that, and I'm also sorry that you translate anything that makes you feel small as hateful.
You need to deal with that.