Spot on, U-Ming. Exactly the way I see it. I also work from home, and we're trying to figure out ways for my daughter to work from home. She doesn't work so far. I'm supporting both of us.
We also wear N95 masks whenever we go out. However, we are fortunate to live where itis fairly unpopulated, so stepping outside our front door and going for a walk in the woods isn't life threatening. We put on masks if someone comes close to us.
We also recently invested in a stationary bike to get daily exercise.
We did sign up for classes twice a week in the evening. We both wore masks. Nobody else did. We found seats at the front, near the open door, and were quite far from others. Nobody else worse masks.
I hope it wasn't a foolish decision, but I feel a lot more cheerful for there being something other than myself in my life. So does my daughter.