Somebody once said 'Okay Boomer" to me on Twitter. Kickback was fast and furious - from Millennials. They quickly pointed out that I'm on their side, that I'm not the problem, etc.
So, sorry, but Boomers actually didn't care about the environment. Their practices worsened the pollution and degradation of our environment considerably. I've been an environmentalist since 1970, and I have known business owners and professionals on every level in many countries, and all they cared about was profits.
I never ever saw boomers protesting or speaking about climate change 20 or 30 years ago (90s) or half a century ago in the 70s They were too busy with their lives, with their greed, with their status, building up their careers, whatever.
This has nothing to do with 'maturing' as one grows older. This goes to principles - about living in a way where's one's lifestyle does not impact on the health, resources, and dignity of others. Boomers had no concern about that. Millennials care about that. Why?
They grew up on the web - with interaction with other people. They are massively educated (and I'm not talking about qualifications) and informed. That's why they say the things they do.
So back to the beginning. I truly doubt that you will be persecuted before you're an old woman. I say exactly what I like, and I have been doing so all my life. I'm still here.
But boomers are responsible for not taking action on issues that should have been attended to half a century ago.