So let me ask you again.
1. Do you expect Israel to have between one and three suicide bombers every day as they did for decades?
2. At what point is defending oneself from harm to be interpreted as an attack on someone else. The problem isn't the wall. Egypt as a walk as well. Hamas doesn't attack Egypt.
3. Yes, there are issues with fundamentalist Jews harassing the Palestinians. However, I also don 't know the exact details, and nor do you.
4. Israel does not owe Gaza a thing. They don't need to give her food or water or electricity. Hamas could have taken the billions that the world as donated to Gaza and built a desalination plant, electricity, farms, schools, etc. Hamas chose to invest it in weapons. It is entirely Gaza's fault that they can't provide for themselves. You are basically saying that that Israel must provide an easy way for Hamas to destroy Israel. You refuse to accept that there is a thousand times more evil on Hamas's side than on the Israeli side Why is that?
5. There is absolutely no way out of this situation without one side destroying the other, and, yes, civilians will get killed. That is what happens in wars. Civilians get killed. You show me a war where civilians don't get killed. It is also beyond rediculous to claim that all civilians are innocent. In this case, you have to chose a side. You appear to have chosen the side of an Isis like group whom the entire civilized world has condemned. I am not going to do that
Why, exactly, are you more concerned about civilians on one side and not the other side? And how do you think you are going to change the situation?
Your question to me is not only loaded. It is an attempt to gaslight me. Again, the reality is that civilians are going to get killed (and have already been killed) on both sides. And you expect to justify the slaughter of civilians in Israel because you think that Hamas shouldn't suffer the consequences of its actions. Why is that?
One last point. My late father was a holocaust survivor. My aunt, uncle, cousin, and other relatives died in Auschwitz.