Seriously? I'm curious about the 40% of Americans whose entire household income is less than $50,000 per year, i.e. two people are working in order to generate less than $50.000.
Where do you expect them to get money to save? At a certain point, it is impossible to save money because it's impossible to find cheaper accommodat
ion and one is already budgeting for food.
Also, it's one thing to live off $40,000 and save the other $10,000 if you're single. It's quite another if there are two parents and two children.
As this story explains, it's one thing making $15,000 a year - it's quite another being single and bringing home $50,000 a year. Sure, you can save $10,000 a year, but it is absolutely impossible to save $10,000 a year if your entire income for the year is $15,000 - minimum wage.