Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readSep 1, 2022


Schalk, have you ever heard the expression 'too little too late?"

Well, in order to limit what is coming, we need to completely and utterly to cut 99% of cars on the road. We also need to close 50% of business and manufacturing. We need tonationalize public transport, water, electricity, and communications. We need to build massive social housing, and tax billionaires 90% of what they have.

We have to take whatever wealth comes in and start building to protect homes and cities from extreme winds, sudden and deep floods, and fast and furious fires.

Right now, Pakistan has 1/3 of her land under water. Fifty hotels have simply collapsed intot he water. So has 150 bridges. Roads have disappeared. Homes have been swept away. If you think that cannot happen in your country and your city and your home, then you need to start reading.

It's either that or die. There is no more time for capitalism and people's comforts. We either do this voluntarily, and we are caught with the pants down. I suspect that a massive city will burn down before the message gets through.

There is no point in simply reducing car use. It has to com completely. I realized this a decade ago. Slowly, now, other people are beginning to write this. Germany cut her monthly public transport ticket to $10 and car use dropped quite a bit. Spain is just making her public transfort free until December.

So, if Russian gas has little bearing on the trasnport sector, why would EU cities be concerned about using fewer cars?

By the way, you do know that I'm a German citizen, and that makers me an EU citizen, and that I have lived in five EU countries.

I am curious,though, why you are so keen to keep private ownership of cars.



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