Says who? Since when has the victor in any war not being disproportionate in any war. The entire point of any war is to be disproportionate.
In addittion, saying that Israel winning tthe war will not improve their security is a piece of propaganda. Of course, it will.
Once it is u derstood by the Jihadi that they do not have tbe strength to win, they will sink back into the pits of hell where they came from.
Saying that the victor in a war will not improve her security is stupid. Just because a loud-mouthed movement keeps saying that doesn't make it true.
Apart from that, there is a very political correct zeigeist at the moment. There is no doubt in any civilized, intellugent, and secular mind that it's way past time that fundamentalist Islam and its doctrine of savagery and violence must be put to rest.
The EU has just passed legislation that limits the influx of 'refugees.'
What has happened is that the mercy and tolerance of the first world has been taken advantage of in the most savage and unethical way.
While a fear of being political correct has allowed the over-proportionate voices of pro-palestinians to drown out every other voice, I think it's wise to realize that the money, the power, and the silent majority stand behind Israel.
The reasoning behind the thought that the war will weaken Israel's security is that if everybody disapproves of Israel, it will weaken her because nobody supports her.
That is simply not true. Virtually all first world nations support Israel. That's probably because they are fighting radical Islam as well.
Lastly, the only thing that barbaric people understand is physical violence. If it is greater than theirs, they will stop. That's the only reason Israel is fighting this war. It's naive to think otherwise.