Sam Harris is no more an INTJ than I am a hot air balloon. He was interestsed in philosophy, teaches meditation, and he thinks that ethics derives from empathy. INTJs don't think that way. Low IQ 'intellectuals' do.
Nobody can decide someone else's personality type. They can guess at it, but in order to know what type one is, one has to do the actual test, and even then, if someone is not particularly honest, and doesn't know oneself very well, the result won't be particularly accurate.
He is very much a feeler, rather than a thinker. His reasoning is flawed - Chomsky made mince meat of him. So would I.
To quote someone on Quora, "Sam Harris is incomprehensibly smart. He's so smart, that only highly intelligent people can truly understand him. Less intelligent people often find his thought experiments illogical or pointless. That's because they don't fully grasp the concepts, but don't realise it."
Harris is one of those people who are educated beyond his intelligence. He repeats the kind of reasoning that is found in philosophy. The average IQ needed for a Ph.D is between 125 and 130. Mine has been variously measured as between 165 and off-the-graph. I've had many tests, and they all put me in the genius category.
Sam Harris is nowhere near. Again, to quote from Quora "So, Harris’s IQ is without a doubt not 180 as suggested previously. If it was 180, this dude would be around the top neuroscientist in the world. He’d be publishing and making discoveries like mad. He’d make Jung, Freud, and Nietzsche look like shrimps. The average Nobel Prize awardee is roughly 145 and those are guys who spend lifetimes working on a problem. Harris doesn’t do a lot of academic work anymore, mostly public speaking and authoring."
Both my father and my brother had IQs of 185. Two doctors tested my creativity score. One said that I had the highest creativity score he had seen in his 30 year practice, and another said that I had equal left brain and right brain IQ.
I'm not writing this to boast, merely to point out that I don't find Sam Harris smart, and that I recognize a lot of flaws in his reasoning.